
Suppliers can choose one of the following levels of carbon footprint information from the information already in the e2class database.  The e2class database has over 3.6 million products that already have carbon footprint information available at the following levels.

  • level 0 simple estimate of product carbon footprint
  • level 1 best estimate of product carbon footprint
  • level 2 built up from bill of materials, overheads and level 1 carbon footprints as inputs
  • level 3 built up from bill of materials, overheads and level 2 carbon footprints as inputs.

Level 2 or level 3 calculations can be certified to PAS 2050 or ISO 14067, once it is available.

Level 0 carbon footprints are free of charge, suppliers just need to confirm their e2class, there will normally be a £3 charge for the e2class code.

Level 1 carbon footprints are £ 5 each including e2class code

Level 2  carbon footprints require an organisational carbon footprint, along with bill of materials information, and allows all of an organisations product carbon foot prints to be calculated in a single project.

Level 3 carbon footprints requires a cascade down the supply chain carrying out level 2 carbon footprints.  UK PLC Charity will provide matched funding to carry out level 2 carbon footprints for your key suppliers.  The method is to find out the inputs that make up 80% of your carbon footprint, and then to provide matched funding to the suppliers to calculate their level 2 carbon footprints.  This gives the suppliers a 50% discount for calculation of their level 2 carbon footprints.

Level 2 and level 3 require a run of cloudBuy's SpendInsight spend analysis, SpendInsight generally identifies savings of 2.5% on controlled spend and 10% on uncontrolled spend, which will normally pay for your carbon footprint.

Want to know more? - Get in touch with us!

Call Co2Analysis Green Team to book a free demonstration or email us.

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