
The areas of ethical procurement and business practices in G3 are as follows:

  • LaborPracticesandDecentWorkPerformanceIndicators
    • Employment
    • LaborManagementRelations
    • OccupationalHealthandSafety
    • TrainingandEducation
    • DiversityandEqualOpportunity
  • HumanRightsPerformanceIndicators
    • InvestmentandProcurementPractices
    • FreedomofAssociationandCollectiveBargaining
    • ChildLabor
    • ForcedandCompolsoryLabor
    • SecurityPractices
    • IndigenousRights
  • SocietyPerformanceIndicators
    • Community
    • Corruption
    • PublicPolicy
    • Compliance
  • ProductResponsibilityPerformanceIndicators
    • CustomerHealthandSafety
    • ProductandServiceLabeling
    • MarketingCommunications
    • CustomerPrivacy
    • Compliance

There are also a number of standards that can help provide an indication of ethical business behaviour, such as industry charters, codes of good practice and the use of supplier accreditation and good sourcing systems along with evidence based surveys.

cloudBuy's sourcing solutions provide monitoring of business ethics in your supply chain.

Want to know more? - Get in touch with us!

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